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Quick Tomato Meat Sauce

Love a good, belly filling tomato meat sauce?  Here’s a quick and easy recipe to get meat sauce on the table in about 20 minutes.


Pasta with Meat Sauce
Pasta with Meat Sauce

1-2 lb ground meat (either beef, pork, veal, turkey or any combination)
1  jar Due Cellucci Tomato Sauce


1. Brown the meat in a pan over med/high heat.

2. In a separate pot, bring the Traditional sauce to a boil and let it simmer over low heat

3. Once the meat is cooked through and no longer pink add it to the traditional sauce and let the sauce simmer together for about 5-10 minutes (the longer it simmers the more flavorful the sauce becomes)

If you want the meat to be more consistent and smooth (vs chunky), you can hit it with an immersion blender.

Toss the sauce with your favorite pasta and voila…meat sauce in less than 1/2 hour.