Making fresh pasta at home is much easier than you would think. And it’s really fun to do!
To decide how much to make, our rule of thumb is 1 egg per 2 adults for a main course portion of pasta. If you want to make sure there are leftovers go with 1 egg per adult.
Ingredient ratio per egg:
1 egg
75g unbleached flour
25g semolina flour
pinch of salt (about 1/8 tsp)
dash of oil (about 1/8 tsp)
Note: For 10 eggs use about a 1sp of salt and oil
1. Make a well in the center of the flour (you can prepare the dough in the bowl or on a floured surface). Sprinkle salt around the flour.
2. Add the eggs and oil to the center of the well.
3. Using a fork beat the egg, then start allowing the flour to fall into the well. Keep folding in flour until you have formed a sticky dough ball.
4. Continue kneading until the dough is smooth, elastic and even in color. It should not stick to your hands.
Note: To knead the dough, push down on the ball with the heel of your hand, then give the dough a quarter turn, fold it over onto itself and push away from you again with the heel of your hand. Continue until you achieve the desired consistency – this usually takes approximately 10 minutes. If the dough seems too dry, sprinkle some water on top; if it seems to sticky, add a little flour.
5. Once you have finished kneading, wrap the dough in plastic wrap and let rest at room temperature for at least 30minutes.
Tip: You can make the dough the day before and keep it refrigerated until ready to use. Bring to room temperature before you start rolling and cutting.